Is My Hearing Loss Affecting My Brain Function?

Tag: brain


Is My Hearing Loss Affecting My Brain Function?

September 17, 2021

Your ears may collect sounds, but your brain is actually doing the listening. So, if you’re living with untreated hearing loss, you’re depriving your auditory cortex of the stimulation it needs to stay active. The Connection Between Your Ears and Brain To understand the impact of hearing loss on brain function, you need to know […]

image of well dressed man playing chess outside on a bench

No-Brainer: What Hearing Loss Does To Your Mind

July 31, 2020

Your brain will physically and neurologically change as soon as you start losing your hearing. Our brains reshape and rewire themselves as we age. Your auditory cortex will start to repurpose itself without audio signals. Here’s how hearing loss affects your brain. The Brain’s Shape And Wiring Noise damage, illness, infections, ototoxic medications, head trauma. […]

elderly woman in sunshine outside wearing all white

Want a strong brain? Keep your ears and eyes sharp

July 30, 2019

The best way to fight cognitive decline in the later years of life may just be to keep your ears and eyes strong. About 10% of Americans have some degree of hearing loss at the age of 40. That number increases significantly as we age – about 33% of those over 65 and nearly 50% […]