Patient Resources

How-To Videos

Need a refresher on changing a wax guard or not sure how to properly recharge your hearing aid batteries? Check out these helpful How-To-Videos and see how to perform basic tasks from properly putting on your hearing aids, to routine care and maintenance.

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Patient Resources

Hearing care from our audiologists at Audiology & Hearing Aid Solutions includes state-of-the-art technology & a variety of resources to educate and assist patients on their hearing healthcare journey.

Financing & Options

Today’s hearing aids are small computers that amplify and process signals. The price of a hearing aid is determined by the number of features and the amount of signal processing it performs, not the size of the device. Audiology & Hearing Aid Solutions makes hearing aids affordable through special interest-free financing arrangements, using CareCredit and HealthiPlan, and low-monthly payment leasing options. We accept most insurance plans and many now offer a hearing aid benefit or discount option. Our staff would be happy to check your benefits for you.

Our Finance Partners

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All About Hearing Loss

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with hearing loss? Learn about the different types of hearing loss, how hearing loss happens, and how hearing loss is treated.