Preparing for an Emergency When You Have Hearing Loss

As the recent Hurricane Matthew struck the Caribbean and Carolinas, the entire U.S. east coast braced for one of the most intense tropical cyclones in recent history. More often, though, our New Jersey communities suffer from heat waves, extreme cold and droughts.

No matter what kind of emergency occurs, you and your loved ones need to prepare before a disaster hits. It can be difficult, though, if you or your loved one is hard of hearing.

Those with hearing loss may not be able to hear, comprehend and respond as quickly as someone with normal hearing and might require additional preparation time for emergencies.

Fortunately, with advance planning, those with hearing impairments can respond effectively in case of a disaster.

Follow these 3 tips to ensure the safety of each family member and loved one!

1. Prepare an emergency kit

The American Red Cross advises each household to have a portable emergency kit ready for use at home or on the go in case of an unexpected event. Pack essential items like non-perishable food, water, first-aid kit, flashlights, blankets, copies of personal documents and cash.

If you have hearing loss, include any medication, spare hearing aids, extra hearing aid batteries and a pen and paper.

2. Communicate ahead of time

To prepare for chaos, it’s a good idea to talk with your family and decide on steps to take. Make an evacuation plan and decide on a meeting place in case someone gets separated.

Those with hearing loss should place a sign near their front and back doors to alert emergency personnel and indicate where the bedroom is. Chat with your neighbors, too, and ask them to inform you in case of an emergency.

3. Use hearing aids and assistive technology

If you have hearing loss, investing in hearing aids and assistive listening devices is a great way to prepare for natural disasters. Assistive technology works with your hearing aids to enhance listening in challenging environments.

Preparation – especially for the hearing impaired – is the best defense in any emergency. For additional information, contact the staff at Audiology & Hearing Aid Solutions 888-473-8702 in Clifton, Paramus, Pompton Lakes, Mahwah and Pompton Plains, New Jersey.