Does Caffeine Affect Tinnitus Symptoms?

Despite popular belief, consuming caffeine may not actually exacerbate your tinnitus. In fact, several studies have noted a lack of evidence to support the idea that caffeinated foods and beverages cause or worsen symptoms.

The Studies

A Prospective Study of Caffeine Intake and Risk of Incident Tinnitus: The American Journal of Medicine published a study in 2014 that indicated participants with a higher caffeine intake had a lower risk of tinnitus incidents. The 18-year study included 65,085 women between 30 and 44 who had no previous tinnitus symptoms.

The results showed that women who drank five cups of coffee a day were 15% less likely to report tinnitus symptoms than those who drank a cup and a half.

Caffeine abstinence: an ineffective and potentially distressing tinnitus therapy: This 2010 study included 66 individuals who usually consumed 150 mg of caffeine per day. Their caffeine consumption had no measurable effect on the participants, but eliminating their intake produced adverse withdrawals symptoms, including headache and nausea.

Identifying and Eliminating Tinnitus Triggers

Each tinnitus case is unique, so cutting out caffeine may not ease your condition. As evidenced by the 2010 study, reducing your coffee intake may cause acute tinnitus symptoms, so cutting out your cup of Joe may not get rid of tinnitus.

It’s also important to consider that you may have several factors contributing to your tinnitus. Diet, lifestyle, and chronic health conditions can contribute to the ringing in your ears.

Common triggers include:

  • Exposure to loud noises
  • High quantities of sodium and refined sugar
  • Medications
  • Alcohol
  • High blood pressure
  • Congestions
  • Excess earwax
  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep

Contact Audiology & Hearing Aid Solutions for comprehensive tinnitus treatment. We will identity your tinnitus triggers and develop a strategy to help you cope with your symptoms. Call 888.473.8702 or go online to schedule your appointment.