How Do I Talk to My Loved One About Their Hearing Loss?

Category: Hearing Loss

discussing hearing loss

How Do I Talk to My Loved One About Their Hearing Loss?

September 10, 2021

If you care for aging parents, you know that having tough conversations about health and wellness – including hearing loss – is inevitable. Avoiding a discussion about your loved one’s hearing problem won’t help them. The sooner mom or dad addresses the issue, the sooner they can get treatment and preserve their remaining hearing. Why […]

man wearing face and ear protection and plaid shirt

Is Hearing Loss Affecting Your Work Life?

July 20, 2021

Hearing loss impacts your job in subtle but profound ways. It makes it more difficult to conduct daily activities and complete certain tasks and can even affect your wages or salary. Hearing Loss on the Job Communication barriers: Hearing loss makes it difficult to communicate with your coworkers and employers effectively. Untreated hearing loss can lead […]

audiologist in mask discussing treatment services with his patient in office

How the Pandemic Highlighted Hearing Loss

July 8, 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak proved especially challenging for people with hearing loss. Remote healthcare appointments and the use of masks reinforced the importance of clear communication and how its absence can prove disastrous for people with hearing loss. The Importance of Facial Expressions A statement can be received very differently depending on whether it’s delivered with a […]

image of a woman sitting at a laptop pinching the bridge of her nose

Can Stress Cause Hearing Loss?

May 14, 2021

Busy schedules, work, family, health concerns. The sources of stress are endless, and stress can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health. But did you know it can also lead to hearing loss? Stress and Hearing Loss Hypertension: Stress causes your body to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Those chemicals can cause high […]

military veterans standing in a row saluting american flag

How Hearing Loss Affects Veterans

April 12, 2021

The brave men and women who served our country are at a higher risk for developing hearing loss and tinnitus than the civilian population. Those conditions affect how our veterans interact with the world around them and negatively impact their ability to communicate and socialize. Tinnitus After Military Service Tinnitus is the most common service-related disability. It’s characterized by […]

hearing aid being fitted into ear of patient

Common Misconceptions About Hearing Loss

March 10, 2021

You’ve likely heard or read something about hearing loss that isn’t true. Dispelling misconceptions helps raise awareness about the everyday effects of hearing loss. Let’s take a look at some popular hearing loss falsehoods and the truths behind them. My Hearing Loss Isn’t That Bad Hearing loss usually occurs gradually over time. You’re not likely […]

audiologist inspecting the ear canal of hearing loss patient

Diplacusis: What is Double Hearing?

February 22, 2021

We hear sounds at different pitches in each ear, but they’re usually able to work together to send a single signal to our brains. But some people experience a disconcerting sensation in which their ears don’t seem to align with each other. Diplacusis is a form of hearing loss that causes you to hear a noise as […]

audiologist showing his patient a model ear

Can I Reverse My Hearing Loss?

February 10, 2021

It’s a reasonable question considering hearing loss is one of the most prevalent health conditions in the United States. There is no quick fix to reverse your hearing loss, but you may be able to restore some of your hearing with the right treatment. Types of Hearing Loss Sensorineural: This is the most common form of hearing […]

two men talking outside on a bench drinking coffee

Hearing Loss Can Cause Listening Fatigue

September 17, 2020

Do conversations leave you feeling fatigued, or do you find yourself straining to hear over the din of ambient noise? You may suffer from listening fatigue, especially if you have untreated hearing loss. What Is Listening Fatigue? Listening fatigue is physical and mental exhaustion caused by the brain’s overexertion to interpret sound. Your brain relies […]

grandmother and granddaughter sharing happy personal moment together

Finding Assisted Living For People With Hearing Loss

August 14, 2020

Finding the right assisted living facility is a task. It can become even more complicated when you or a loved one are deaf or experience hearing loss. Here are a few things you should look for when visiting a deaf-friendly assisted living facility. Culture And Staff Awareness Not every staff member may be fluent in […]