Should I Wear Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids?

Category: Hearing Aids

hearing aid selection inside costco

Should I Wear Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids?

August 31, 2020

The answer depends on your needs. Over the counter (OTC) hearing aids improve accessibility for those with hearing loss. These devices are cheaper than professional hearing aids, but you may still miss out on the benefits of visiting an audiologist. OTC Hearing Aids OTC hearing aids are available at the pharmacy or big-box stores and […]

image of well dressed man playing chess outside on a bench

No-Brainer: What Hearing Loss Does To Your Mind

July 31, 2020

Your brain will physically and neurologically change as soon as you start losing your hearing. Our brains reshape and rewire themselves as we age. Your auditory cortex will start to repurpose itself without audio signals. Here’s how hearing loss affects your brain. The Brain’s Shape And Wiring Noise damage, illness, infections, ototoxic medications, head trauma. […]

elderly couple talking over brunch in restaurant

Hearing Aids Could Mean A Positive Lifestyle Change

June 29, 2020

Today’s hearing devices do much more than amplify sound. They open – or reintroduce you to – a world of sound, social engagement, and healthy living. Here are a few ways hearing aids improve your lifestyle. Reduce Tinnitus Symptoms The constant ringing or buzzing in your ears can affect your concentration, sleep, and emotional health. Hearing aids […]

better hearing and speech month graphic advertisement

Working From Home With Hearing Loss

May 27, 2020

Hearing loss can make work communications difficult. Utilize video conferences and closed captions during work meetings, so you never miss a beat. Communicating Remotely With Hearing Loss Don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself. Talk to your employer or the meeting organizer about your hearing loss to create a plan. Having a discussion ahead of time […]

hearing aid held in palm of hand

The Dos And Don’ts of Hearing Aid Care

April 30, 2020

You wouldn’t buy a Chevy Corvette and drive it through mud puddles or toss your trash in the back seat. It’s an investment, something that exudes personality and should be maintained with care. Well, just like a Corvette, your hearing aids are an investment that needs to be protected from harmful practices. Why Cleaning Is […]

back of mans head hearing aid in ear

Things To Know Before You Buy Hearing Aids

April 26, 2020

You’re ready to invest in a hearing aid, but there’s so much to consider. You need to think about price, size, style, capabilities, and your degree of hearing loss. An audiologist can help you navigate the maze of possibilities. But, it’s also good to have some information under your belt before you visit. Your Needs […]

daughter eating dinner with parents at restaurant

Tips For Adjusting To Your New Hearing Aids

February 25, 2020

Hearing aids are an excellent tool to improve your hearing, but it doesn’t happen overnight. You’ll need to adjust to the function and feel of your new devices. Here are some tips to help you get comfortable. Physical Adjustments Your ears and brain may feel a bit overwhelmed by the physical and auditory differences that […]

white haired man head with hearing aid in ear

Strength In Numbers: How You’ll Benefit From Two Hearing Aids

February 21, 2020

Have you heard? Two really is better than one, especially when it comes to hearing aids. Brain Training The nerve centers in your brain that receive auditory signals become ineffective without sounds to stimulate them, which will worsen over time. If you invest in two hearing aids, you’ll stimulate both ears and strengthen your brain’s […]

husband and wife doing yoga at home

Live Your Life Confidently With Hearing Aids

January 20, 2020

Hearing loss can make you feel like you’ve taken a back seat to your life. You may even find yourself becoming less socially engaged because conversations don’t seem worth the effort anymore. Investing in hearing aids will put you back in charge of your hearing and boost your confidence. If you’re concerned about the appearance […]

hearing aid product display multiple devices

Have You Heard? Hearing Aids Are In Style

December 23, 2019

Gone are the days of large, clunky devices hanging over your ears. Today’s hearing aids are more technologically advanced than ever before and come in a variety of styles to fit your needs. A study conducted from 2009 to 2019 suggests that people who wear hearing aids are less embarrassed by wearing hearing devices, more […]