
hearing aid being fitted into ear of patient

Common Misconceptions About Hearing Loss

March 10, 2021

You’ve likely heard or read something about hearing loss that isn’t true. Dispelling misconceptions helps raise awareness about the everyday effects of hearing loss. Let’s take a look at some popular hearing loss falsehoods and the truths behind them. My Hearing Loss Isn’t That Bad Hearing loss usually occurs gradually over time. You’re not likely […]

audiologist inspecting the ear canal of hearing loss patient

Diplacusis: What is Double Hearing?

February 22, 2021

We hear sounds at different pitches in each ear, but they’re usually able to work together to send a single signal to our brains. But some people experience a disconcerting sensation in which their ears don’t seem to align with each other. Diplacusis is a form of hearing loss that causes you to hear a noise as […]

audiologist showing his patient a model ear

Can I Reverse My Hearing Loss?

February 10, 2021

It’s a reasonable question considering hearing loss is one of the most prevalent health conditions in the United States. There is no quick fix to reverse your hearing loss, but you may be able to restore some of your hearing with the right treatment. Types of Hearing Loss Sensorineural: This is the most common form of hearing […]

patient in blue polo shirt smiling while having hearing tested by professional

Make Hearing Health Your New Year’s Resolution

January 15, 2021

Prioritizing your hearing has many benefits for your overall health and will help you stay connected to your loved ones. Evaluate Your Hearing The beginning of the year is a time to commit to achieving your goals, including improving your hearing. If you suspect you have hearing loss, watch for common signs like: Regularly asking […]

feast prepared on cutting boards apples blueberries and more

Good Nutrition Can Decrease Your Risk for Hearing Loss

January 13, 2021

Your ears rely on a well-balanced diet to function correctly, and it may also decrease your risk for hearing loss. A 2019 study conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston indicated women who consumed a healthy diet over three years were 25% less likely to develop high-frequency hearing loss and 30% less likely to […]

older gentleman telling a joke with family over dinner

Tips for Surviving the Holidays with Hearing Loss

December 29, 2020

Holiday gatherings can be challenging for those with hearing loss. Being a part of a conversation with your loved ones as you celebrate the season is one of the most meaningful things you can do during the holidays. It’s also important to know your options if you choose to have a virtual gathering to practice […]

hearing aid resting upon green face mask

Tips For Wearing Masks With Hearing Aids

December 8, 2020

Behind-the-ear hearing aids and mask straps aren’t always compatible. You run the risk of tampering with wires and tubing, and you may even lose a device when you remove your mask. Here is a list of tips so you can wear your hearing devices and mask with ease. Mind Where You Remove Your Mask Taking your […]

brunette woman holding her small dog in living room

How Often Should I Wear My Hearing Aids?

October 28, 2020

You’re on track to better hearing, but wearing new hearing aids isn’t always easy. Like you, each hearing aid is unique and requires special adjustments to meet your needs. Hearing Aids Have An Adjustment Period Your new hearing devices may feel uncomfortable at first, and you notice sounds like birds chirping or a clocking ticking are distracting. […]

orange ear plugs on table

October Is National Protect Your Hearing Month

October 21, 2020

October isn’t just a time for changing leaves and spooky fun. It’s also National Protect Your Hearing Month! Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) affects nearly 25% of Americans ages 20-69, but there are ways you can protect yourself. What Is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss? NIHL is hearing loss caused by exposure to noises louder than 85 decibels […]

senior couple discussing health insurance

Coverage Options For Hearing Aids

September 28, 2020

Hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions, but often one of the most untreated. That is due in part to the cost of seeking treatment. Private Insurance Hearing Aid Coverage Less than half of the states in America require private insurance companies to pay for the cost of hearing aids. And the […]

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