5 Common Hearing Loss Myths

Hearing loss is not as simple as it seems, as hearing loss can be a complex condition that is brought on due to a variety of different influencing factors. Far too many people have false information and impressions surrounding hearing loss, but this lack of clarity does nothing besides discouraging those who need a hearing aid to ever actually use one.

Being able to recognize some of the most common myths about hearing loss will certainly help you to make the best decisions for the sake of your senses, as you can ignore the lies and focus on the real truth about hearing loss and how it can be triggered! Fortunately, in this guide you can expect to discover five of the most common hearing loss myths, allowing you to see through the confusion and get the opportunity to access quality information that you can rely on.

1. Only the Elderly Experience Hearing Loss 

No doubt, this information is completely false; it’s fair to say that hearing loss does not discriminate, no matter what your age might be. About two-thirds of all hearing loss cases occur in those who are actually under 65 years of age, according to the Healthy Hearing Foundation, and it’s said that one out of five teenagers (aged 12-19) have hearing loss in either one or both of their ears.

Countless things can lead to hearing loss which people of all ages have access to, including listening to music on high volume, illness and infection, medications or even unavoidable genetics. Continued exposure to damaging levels of sound at noisy entertainment venues like nightclubs, bars, and sporting events can further damage a young person’s hearing capacity, so it’s fair to say that any one of any age can experience hearing loss. 

2. Listening to Music Won’t Damage My Hearing 

Of course, this is also inaccurate – if you are listening to your music at a volume which is too loud, then you are certainly increasing your chances of experiencing hearing loss. Musicians are much more likely to suffer from tinnitus, which is a constant ringing in the ears, which can lead to hearing loss over time. Over exposure to any kind of loud noise can damage your hearing, but wearing earphones or headphones that are on full volume day in day out will certainly impact upon your hearing quality. If you’re a musician or take part in live events, then be sure to safeguard your ears by using custom earplugs

3. Hearing Loss Only Affects a Person’s Ears 

This is one of the most common misconceptions surrounding hearing loss, as far too many people believe that hearing loss can impact on your ears and nothing else. There are countless side effects that you can experience as a person who has hearing loss, whether these symptoms are physical or psychological. Studies suggest that hearing loss can actually increase your risk of cognitive decline, dementia, falls, social isolation and depression – but none of these risks relate exclusively to your ears! 

4. Hearing Loss is Natural and Can’t Be Prevented 

This is also incorrect – hearing loss is often caused by unnatural outside influences that can easily be controlled and minimized if you are vigilant in your efforts to protect your hearing. Choosing to remove yourself from situations or environments that are extremely loud, like music concerts with large speakers or factory workshops featuring heavy machinery, will certainly help you prevent the symptoms of noise-induced hearing loss. Choosing not to smoke cigarettes can also help you to slow down your hearing loss, as can avoiding certain medications which are more likely to cause an infection. 

5. You Don’t Need to Treat Hearing Loss

Ultimately, this is also false – because you should actively seek out the right treatment method to improve your communication and quality of life. Just because you don’t feel discomfort, doesn’t mean you aren’t in need of an extra boost of hearing support in the form of a hearing device! Your hearing loss can impact upon many aspects of your life besides pain, leading to isolation and even encouraging you to make mistakes in the workplace due to lack of clarity, so it’s certainly a step you need to consider no matter whether you feel pain or are simply experiencing hearing loss on its own.

To find out more, call Audiology & Hearing Aid Solutions at (973) 721-6520 or (201) 375-9081.