We hear sounds at different pitches in each ear, but they’re usually able to work together to send a single signal to our brains. But some people experience a disconcerting sensation in which their ears don’t seem to align with each other. Diplacusis is a form of hearing loss that causes you to hear a noise as two different sounds.

What Causes Diplacusis?

Also known as double hearing, diplacusis is often caused by damage to the hair cells in your inner ear that send signals to your auditory nerve. Exposure to loud noise, head trauma, age-related hearing loss and ototoxic medications can permanently harm hair cells.

Obstructions in the ear canal also cause double hearing. Excess earwax, tumors, respiratory or ear infections and inflammation cause physical changes in your ear canal that affect your hearing ability.

Types of Diplacusis

There are two kinds of diplacusis:

  • Diplacusis monauralis: Double hearing in one ear
  • Diplacusis binauralis: Double hearing in both ears

Having diplacusis in both ears is more common, and there are two subtypes.

  • Diplacusis dysharmonica: Sounds are heard at different pitches in both ears.
  • Diplacusis echoica: A sound’s timing varies between ears, creating an echo.


How you treat your diplacusis depends on the cause. An ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor will safely remove excess earwax or other blockages in your ears. Surgery may be necessary to remove tumors or abnormal bone growths.

Diplacusis caused by hair cell damage often requires hearing aids or cochlear implants. Hearing aids improve your ability to interpret sounds, which ease the perceived difference in pitch or timing. Cochlear implants bypass the inner ear and send sound stimuli directly to your auditory nerve to improve hearing loss.

You may also seek aural rehabilitation (AR) to treat diplacusis. AR is a comprehensive approach that teaches your brain to adapt to hearing loss. You’ll learn behavioral strategies that will help you cope with the effects of diplacusis.

Come to Audiology & Hearing Aid Solutions to find the right hearing loss treatment for you. Call 888.473.8702 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.