Is your hearing health in tip top shape?

Healthy hearing plays a big part in your overall wellbeing. Did you know that good hearing helps you focus, assists with balance, and provides positive stimulation to the brain? It’s true. Ignoring even mild hearing loss can lead to unwanted physical consequences. Think you have a good reason for not treating your hearing loss? Your reasons might not be as sound as you think.

I feel too young for hearing aids:  You’re not alone! Today’s hearing aid wearers are comprised of mixed generations, with many being below the age of 65. Feeling young and in touch, social and active are what today’s hearing technologies are all about. They’re designed to connect you to advanced technologies like cell phones, GPS devices and computers. So don’t let old stereotypes hold you back from today’s hearing aids with discreet sizes and amazing features! My hearing isn’t bad enough to need hearing aids: Dramatic new research shows that ignoring any changes in your hearing can impact many different areas of your health. Even mild hearing loss raises your long-term risk for unexpected falls, Alzheimer’s, dementia and depression.

I don’t miss that much: This is one of the most dangerous reasons people use for not treating hearing loss. It gives false comfort and allows the slow progression of a condition that isolates people from the world around them.

Hearing impacts more than just your ears. It also affects the brain and has ties to whole body health. Make sure you take care of your hearing by receiving an annual screening from a hearing health professional. Visit Audiology & Hearing Aid Solutions today to get pro-active about your hearing health!

Tags: benefits, lifestyle, selection